Image of Baptist Management System

New KATA and thinking around hiring results in better bottom-line

  In the world of hiring and recruiting, most anyone could say they’ve experienced the wait-and-see game as a job seeker. But what’s behind that wait on the employer side? Obviously time, but as well, the reality that time is tied closely to dollars: The longer the hiring time, the more it costs the bottom-line. […]

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LaZ Boy Industry Week Article

Toyota Kata Delivers Improvements at La-Z-Boy

Furniture maker introduces Toyota Kata after reaching a Lean plateau  along with Kata coach Brandon Brown of the W3 Group, discussed their experiences with Toyota Kata during the 2015 IndustryWeek Best Plants conference, frequently referencing the work of Mike Rother, author of the 2009 book, Toyota Kata: Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness and Superior Results. Brown described Kata as the “less […]

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